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Kategorija: English – engleski (periodika)
Objavljeno: Četvrtak, 01 Lipanj 2006 15:40
Hitova: 2054
Borislav Arapović: Prolomom
Without following the imposed rules of the game, in modesty and silence, great Croatian literature is being given birth to at present. A nation, left without its own state and the rights it is entitled to as a nation due to the power of those in positions of authority and influence, managed to escape slavery in the 1990s. The nation started to reunite, regardless of where its people were. The gaolers set to work, and large-scale and merciless persecution began. Writers happened to be in the middle of it all. Many of them voiced their opinions and experiences in a modern way.
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Kategorija: English – engleski (periodika)
Objavljeno: Utorak, 01 Studeni 2005 15:38
Hitova: 1937
Pero Pavlović: »Što pjesnik nosi u torbi« (What Does Poet Carry in His Bag)
Poet Pero Pavlović is persistent in creation of his poetical world. With this book, he reaches the thematic peak. Consistent with the title — he wanted to present the reader with the abundance of subjects he deals with. Indeed, we may find much here: domiciliation in the deeper meaning, true and sincere love for Homeland, wide openness towards God, language deliberately shifted to the old times... We might say, an interesting and useful poetic bag. While reading Pavlović’s poetry, reader will soon recognise that his contemplative world moves in the range: man — nature — God. It is a circle he continuously and persistently tries to close. He attempts to place himself within, to understand it, to absorb its strength. Because of that, his poems are not violent, dark, rooted out of the human desire for good and beautiful. They are warm, silent and gentle, with the purpose of going deep and getting to the core of things. That is why Pavlović today represents a unique phenomenon in Croatian poetry. He belongs to the circle of Croatian poets who do not conform the easiness of living and affiliation to the currently prevailing opinion, but stays himself and affiliates to those who do the same. It is a guarantee that his poetry will survive these days, pouring itself into the future.