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Miljenko Stojić, »River« (»Rijeka«), ICMM, Međugorje, 2002.

In his book River (Rijeka), author Father Miljenko Stojić (born 1960 in Dragićina, near Međugorje) included 47 texts, all of them formerly published as editorials in the journal Glas mira (Voice Of Peace), in the period from January 1998 until January 2002. Texts are written in the atmosphere of the appearance of the Virgin Mary in Međugorje, and in everything he says, the author impresses us with the inspiration from her messages, most of all in turbulent times, through which it is possible to sail peacefully. By describing certain occurrences and situations, from the familiar surroundings and life of Christians, to the international society, he splits possible controversies and fills the life-giving horizons, in which the greatness of the small is reflected, not only in words or prayers, but also in doing; in turning to our neighbour, known and the unknown one, in inspiration with examples that are passing us by.



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Señor, acércate a mi pueblo, en estos días,
sánalo con tu fuerte diestra,
mucho tiempo vagó por el desierto, ardúa y dolorosamente,
los vestigios aún se le notan,
no le tome a mal, no lo rechaces.

Tampoco me desprecies a mí por dirigirme a ti de este modo,
ambos testamentos, Antiguo y Nuevo levo en mi interior,
intento conciliar todo, fabrícarme una cara bonita,
no es fácil, los lobos hambrientos ululan a menudo,
yo no les puedo ceder mi pueblo tampoco a mí mismo.

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